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A step-by-step guide to AES implementation in Verilog

Get ready to learn because here comes the knowledge!
To understand how to implement AES in verilog, first you must learn how AES works!
Please see our "What is AES" page for more info about this.

Alrighty! So now that you know how AES works, here is how to implement it in Verilog.
We created an overall encryption module, "encryptor.v" and an overall decryption module, "decryptor.v".
In order to run encryption, just run For decryption,


Let's start by talking about how we implemented encryption.

The encryption module takes two inputs: a 128bit message and a 128bit key. It outputs the ciphertext, and a "done" flag that is set to high when encryption is completed. Within the encryption module, we instantiated instances of all the other modules we created for encryption.

Key Expand

The first one that is called is the key expand module: "key_expand.v". The input to this module should be the same 128bit key that was the input to the overal encryptor module. It should output 10 new keys to be used for rounds 1-10 of the encryption. The block diagram below illustrates how key expand should work. Schematic of Key Expansion
For many of the operations you will perform on your key, it makes sense to have it in a matrix format. Use behavioral verilog assign statements to break your 128bit key into a matrix of 16 bytes, made up of 4 byte columns. To see how we did this, check out "matrixify.v". Use behavioral verilog assign statements to move the top byte of the last column to the bottom of that column. Shift the rest of the bytes up when you do this. After the bytes have been shifted, this column must be passed through the substitue-byte box, also known as "s-box". Create a separate verilog file for you sbox. There are two options for how to implement this in verilog.
Option 1: Perform two functions Gallois Field Matrix Multiplication on your key. First find the inverse of your matrix of bytes, and then use Gallois Field GF(2^8) matrix multiplication to perform the equation below.

Option 2: Find a lookup table of s-box values online and implement that in behavioural verilog, such that to perform the s box operation you just grab the right value from the lookup table.
Next the output from the sbox is xor'ed with a round contstant that is different for each of the 10 rounds. Finally all of the columns are xored with either another column or the output from the xor'ed sbox. Finally, the output goes through matrixify to turn it back into a matrix.
For our project, we ran key expand 10 times so that each round would have the necessary key. We then outputted each of these key expansions to the proper round.


Next up is the round module, in round.v. This module executes one round for the AES algorithm.

Each round in encryption except the final one consists of 4 operations. The first is substitute bytes, the same sbox operation as described above. The next round is shift columns. This reassigns bytes to the correct spots in the updated matrix. The next round is mix columns. Mix columns in mix_cols.v utilizes finite field arithmetic to perform this operation. Finally, add round key xor's the key for that round with the current byte matrix. This matrix is output of this round module.

Final Round

The final round is different from the rest of the rounds in that it doesn't contain a mix columns. Otherwise it is the same as the other rounds.


Our decryptor is very similar to the encryptor. The only difference is that it runs in reverse.

The first round of decrypting is unique, similar to the last round of encryption. The module first round will implement this first round.

First round is all of the encryption round operations in reverse, minus the mix columns step. All other rounds in decryption are also reversed from their counterparts in encrypt.

All of the individual modules in the decryption rounds are also reversed compared to their encryption counterparts.

Now you know how to implement AES in verilog!


Occasionally, the python translation from ASCII to text will not work if one of the characters is a control character. This one hex character's ascii value is not recognized by python. If you get an error that says "[Decode error-output not utf-8]" This is the cause. Please try a different message!